We take data security & privacy very seriously.
Active clientsWe do not remove any data as long as you are an active client.
You, as a user, can remove data from your account.
Note: If you remove a coupon including history from your account the data is permanently removed.
If you have a lot of data and you want to have it removed you can contact us at
[email protected] and our team can help with this task.
Temporary freezed/stoppedWe do not remove any data as long as you are temporarily stopped.
If you decide to come back you will still have your previous coupons, vouchers, and loyalty cards including all the data.
If you not come back within 1 year your account is canceled.
CancellationsExactly 1 year after your account’s expiration date we will remove all your data from our servers.
This action cannot be undone. Data is permanently removed.
If you want to have your data removed faster, just contact us at
[email protected] and we can remove it within 1-2 workdays.